最高法院允许佛罗里达州处决一名1997年被判犯有双重杀人罪的男子。 The Supreme Court lets Florida proceed with the execution of a man convicted of a 1997 double homicide.
美国最高法院允许佛罗里达州继续处决一名因1997年杀害一对已婚夫妇而被定罪的男子。 The US Supreme Court has allowed Florida to proceed with the execution of a man convicted of killing a married couple in 1997. 法院驳回了该囚犯的上诉,该上诉辩称,致命注射议定书可能导致违宪的痛苦。 The court rejected the inmate's appeal, which argued that the lethal injection protocol could cause unconstitutional suffering. 这为国家执行死刑铺平了道路。 This clears the path for the state to carry out the death penalty.