南卡罗来纳州囚犯弗雷迪·欧文斯 根据新的执行协议 挑战致命注射药物的保密性 South Carolina inmate Freddie Owens challenges secrecy of lethal injection drug under new execution protocol.
定于 9 月 20 日执行死刑的南卡罗来纳州囚犯弗雷迪·欧文斯 (Freddie Owens) 正在质疑根据一项新协议缺乏有关注射致命药物的信息。 Freddie Owens, a South Carolina inmate scheduled for execution on September 20, is challenging the lack of information about the lethal injection drug under a new protocol. 他的律师认为,该州 2023 年的盾牌法阻止了充分披露,阻碍了他对处决方法的决定,包括注射死刑、电刑或行刑队。 His lawyers argue that the state's 2023 shield law prevents adequate disclosure, hindering his decision on execution methods, which include lethal injection, electrocution, or a firing squad. 这一法律争端是南卡罗来纳州最高法院面临的多个未决问题的一部分,因为州在十多年后恢复处决。 This legal dispute is part of multiple pending issues before the South Carolina Supreme Court as the state resumes executions after over a decade.