新喀里多尼亚向受5月骚乱影响的10,000人提供紧急援助,包括支付账单。 New Caledonia offers emergency aid, including bill payments, to 10,000 affected by May riots.
新喀里多尼亚已批准一个紧急援助一揽子计划,以帮助大约10 000人,他们因5月暴乱造成的失业而难以支付电费。 New Caledonia has approved an emergency assistance package to help about 10,000 people struggling to pay electricity bills due to job losses from May riots. 受益者将领取最多175美元的未付账单,每月43美元,为期四个月。 Beneficiaries will receive up to $175 for unpaid bills and $43 monthly for four months. 由欧盟资助的一揽子计划正经历经济斗争,900家企业关闭,25,000人失业。 The package, funded by the EU, comes amid economic struggles, with 900 businesses closed and 25,000 job losses. 最近还重点介绍了一项与新西兰的青年交流方案和军事演习。 A youth exchange program to New Zealand and military exercises were also recently highlighted.