研究发现,全球青少年每天最多花10个小时从事与社交媒体使用相关的定居活动。 Study finds teens globally spend up to 10 hours daily on sedentary activities, linked to social media use.
全球青少年每天花8至10个小时的时间进行定居活动,社交媒体使用的屏幕时间大大增加。 Adolescents globally spend 8 to 10 hours daily on sedentary activities, with social media use significantly increasing screen time. 由加利福尼亚圣地亚哥大学领导的一项涉及14个国家6,302名青少年的研究发现,个人社交媒体账户与较高的定居时间相关。 A study involving 6,302 teens from 14 countries, led by the University of California San Diego, found that personal social media accounts correlate with higher sedentary time. 研究人员建议减少屏幕时间,并通过父母、决策者和技术公司之间的协作促进体育活动。 Researchers recommend reducing screen time and promoting physical activity through collaboration between parents, policymakers, and tech companies.