4人在芝加哥地铁的大规模枪击中丧生;自2009年以来,美国第278次大规模枪击中丧生。 4 people killed in Chicago subway mass shooting; 278th US mass shooting since 2009.
四人在芝加哥附近的地铁火车上被枪杀,一名嫌疑人被拘留。 Four people were shot and killed on a subway train near Chicago, with a suspect in custody. 这一事件标志着自2009年以来美国第278次大规模枪击事件。 This incident marks the 278th mass shooting in the U.S. since 2009. 这些枪击案大多数涉及手枪(81%),而突击步枪虽然在16%的案例中使用,但伤亡人数明显增加。 The majority of these shootings involve handguns (81%), while assault rifles, though used in 16% of cases, result in significantly higher casualties. 拟议的预防措施包括强制性等候期、禁止大容量杂志和针对家庭虐待者更严格的法律,但邻国的松懈条例构成挑战。 Proposed prevention measures include mandatory waiting periods, banning large-capacity magazines, and stricter laws for domestic abusers, but neighboring states' lax regulations pose challenges.