在伊利诺伊州森林公园的CTA蓝线列车上,4人被致命枪杀;枪手被捕。 4 people fatally shot on CTA Blue Line train in Forest Park, Illinois; shooter apprehended.
星期一上午5时30分左右,在伊利诺伊州森林公园的CTA蓝线火车上,有4人被致命枪杀。 Four people were fatally shot on a CTA Blue Line train in Forest Park, Illinois, around 5:30 a.m. on Monday. 3名受害者在现场死亡,第4名受害者在医院受伤。 Three victims died at the scene, while a fourth succumbed to injuries at a hospital. 当局逮捕了枪手,称事件是孤立的,尽管动机仍然不明。 Authorities apprehended the shooter, describing the incident as isolated, though the motive remains unknown. 受害者的身份尚未公布,调查仍在进行中。 The victims' identities have not been released, and the investigation is ongoing.