40,000 UNITE在这里工会女管家在主要旅馆罢工,要求提高工资和恢复日常房间清洁服务。 40,000 UNITE HERE union housekeepers strike at major hotels for higher wages and reinstatement of daily room cleaning services.
以 UNITE HERE 工会为代表的大型连锁酒店的管家正在罢工,要求提高工资并恢复在 COVID-19 大流行期间减少的自动每日房间清洁服务。 Housekeepers at major hotel chains, represented by the UNITE HERE union, are striking to demand higher wages and the reinstatement of automatic daily room cleaning services, which were reduced during the COVID-19 pandemic. 超过40,000名工人正在合同谈判中,如果无法达成协议,在12个城市中至少有15,000人批准罢工。 Over 40,000 workers are in contract negotiations, with at least 15,000 authorizing strikes in 12 cities if agreements aren't reached. 罢工始于波士顿和康涅狄格州,凸显了旅馆女管家面临的挑战。 The strikes began in Boston and Connecticut, highlighting the challenges faced by hotel housekeepers.