南加州 3,000 名酒店员工批准了与 34 家酒店的新合同,每小时工资增加 10 美元,福利也有所改善。 3,000 Southern California hospitality workers ratified a new contract with 34 hotels, receiving a $10 hourly wage increase and improved benefits.
南加州数千名酒店员工在多次罢工后批准了与 34 家酒店的新合同,在合同期限内每小时工资增加 10 美元。 Thousands of Southern California hospitality workers ratified a new contract with 34 hotels after multiple strikes, receiving a $10 hourly wage increase over the term of the contract. Unite Here Local 11 工会报告称,该合同的批准率为 98%,其中包括无小费工人的工资上涨高达 50%,并改善了福利。 The union, Unite Here Local 11, reported a 98% approval rate for the contract, which includes wage hikes of up to 50% for non-tipped workers and improved benefits. 该合同有效期至 2028 年 1 月 15 日,另外 30 家酒店的谈判正在进行中。 The contract covers workers until January 15, 2028, with ongoing negotiations for 30 additional hotels.