Dalai Lama, 膝后手术,暗示转世可能在印度, 挑战北京的要求。 Dalai Lama, post-knee surgery, hints reincarnation could be in India, challenging Beijing's claim.
89岁的达赖喇嘛向追随者保证身体健康,在膝盖外科手术后,他可能活到110岁。 The Dalai Lama, 89, reassures followers of his health and jokes he may live to 110 after knee surgery. 他建议在印度可以找到他的转世, 质疑北京选择继任者的主张。 He suggests his reincarnation could be found in India, challenging Beijing's claim to choose his successor. 西藏流亡政府和位于苏黎世的Gaden Phodrang基金会(由达赖喇嘛于2015年成立)准备管理政治工作并寻找继任者。 The Tibetan government-in-exile and the Zurich-based Gaden Phodrang Foundation, established by the Dalai Lama in 2015, are prepared to manage the political work and search for his successor.