韩国银行在房价和家庭债务上涨的情况下收紧抵押贷款限制。 South Korean banks tighten mortgage loan restrictions amid rising home prices and household debt.
由于首尔房价上涨和家庭债务增加,韩国银行正在紧缩抵押贷款限制。 South Korean banks are tightening mortgage loan restrictions due to rising home prices in Seoul and increasing household debt. 应金融服务委员会的请求,银行将加强借款人的筛选,并允许小额贷款。 Following a request from the Financial Services Commission, banks will enhance borrower screenings and permit smaller loans. 压力债务还本付息比率将继续限制总体贷款。 The stress debt service ratio (DSR) will continue to limit overall lending. 到6月底,家庭信贷猛增至1 896.2万亿韩元(1.42万亿),比上个季度大幅增加。 By June's end, household credit surged to 1,896.2 trillion won ($1.42 trillion), reflecting a significant increase over the previous quarter.