百人在西姆拉的桑贾乌利郊区抗议非法清真寺建设和对商人的袭击. Hundreds in Shimla's Sanjauli suburb protest illegal mosque construction and alleged assault on a businessman.
在Shimla的Sanjauli郊区,数百人抗议非法建造清真寺和袭击当地商人。 In Shimla's Sanjauli suburb, hundreds protested against the alleged illegal construction of a mosque and an assault on a local businessman. 示威者要求拆除清真寺,并要求采取法律行动,对袭击者进行谋杀未遂。 Demonstrators demanded the mosque's demolition and legal action for attempted murder against the assailants. 经证实,该清真寺的一部分是非法建造的,该案件将由市法院审查。 District officials confirmed part of the mosque was illegally built, and the case will be reviewed in municipal court. 当局已停止建筑,并正在调查袭击事件,以及少数族裔移民的登记情况。 Authorities have halted construction and are investigating the assault, as well as the registration of minority migrants.