印度最高法院停止了清真寺争端的诉讼程序,下令在暴力中采取和平措施。 India's Supreme Court halts mosque dispute proceedings, orders peace measures amid violence.
印度最高法院已下令暂时停止关于Sambhal清真寺争端的诉讼,该清真寺建于1526年,声称该清真寺建在一座被拆毁的印度教寺庙内。 The Supreme Court of India has ordered a temporary halt to proceedings in a dispute over the Sambhal mosque, built in 1526, amid claims that it was constructed on the site of a demolished Hindu temple. 法院指示北方邦政府在法院下令对清真寺进行调查后维持该地区的和平,这引发了暴力事件,导致4人死亡。 The court directed the Uttar Pradesh government to maintain peace in the area after a court-ordered survey of the mosque sparked violence, leading to four deaths. 此案已提交Allahabad高等法院,法院被要求在三天内听取请愿书。 The case has been referred to the Allahabad High Court, which has been asked to hear the petition within three days. 法院还强调,必须持中立立场,组成由两族代表组成的和平委员会。 The court also emphasized the need for a neutral stance and the formation of a peace committee with representatives from both communities.