康涅狄格州卫生官员警告说,与气候变化有关的滴虫传染疾病在上升。 Connecticut health officials warn of rising tick-borne diseases linked to climate change.
康涅狄格州卫生官员警告说,由于气候变化对温暖的冬季和更长的夏季的影响,包括莱姆病、巴贝虫病和无形体病,蜱传疾病不断增加。 Connecticut health officials warn of rising tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease, babesiosis, and anaplasmosis, attributed to climate change's impact on warmer winters and longer summers. 传染病专家 Jo-Ann Passalacqua 博士报告说,巴贝西虫病病例显着增加,这对老年人和免疫功能低下的人来说可能危及生命。 Infectious disease specialist Dr. Jo-Ann Passalacqua reports a notable increase in babesiosis cases, which can be life-threatening for older and immunocompromised individuals. 这一趋势突显了与气候变化相关的公共健康风险。 The trend underscores the public health risks associated with climate change.