7月,香港对外贸易赤字降至21.84亿港元,出口增长快于进口。 In July, Hong Kong's foreign trade deficit narrowed to HK$21.84bn, with exports growing faster than imports.
7月,香港外贸赤字从去年同期的299.8亿港元降至218.4亿港元,因为出口增长快于进口。 In July, Hong Kong's foreign trade deficit narrowed to HK$21.84 billion, down from HK$29.98 billion in the same period last year, as exports grew faster than imports. 出口年增长率在7月达到13.1%,中国内地出口增长23.0%。 The annual increase in exports reached 13.1% in July, with Mainland China exports expanding by 23.0%. 向亚洲的出口总额增加了15.7%,特别是向马来西亚和越南的出口总额增加了15.7%,进口增加了9.9%。 Total exports to Asia increased by 15.7%, particularly to Malaysia and Vietnam, while imports rose by 9.9%. 尽管取得了积极进展,但地缘政治紧张局势和贸易冲突对香港的出口增长构成潜在风险。 Despite the positives, geopolitical tensions and trade conflicts pose potential risks to Hong Kong's export growth.