8月26日,新英格兰州预计会发生大雷暴,可能出现冰雹、暴风和局部水灾。 Heavy thunderstorms with potential hail, gusty winds, and localized flooding predicted for New England states on August 26.
预计 8 月 26 日星期一,新英格兰各州(包括马萨诸塞州、佛蒙特州、新罕布什尔州、康涅狄格州和罗德岛州)将出现带有潜在冰雹、阵风和局部洪水的强雷暴。 Heavy thunderstorms with potential hail, gusty winds, and localized flooding are predicted for Monday, August 26 across New England states, including Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. 预计主要天气威胁将在下午晚至傍晚发生。 The main weather threats are expected to occur in the late afternoon to early evening hours. 恶劣的天气风险在星期一到星期二的一夜之间减少,预计周三气温将上升至80年代中期,到周末将下降至70年代。 The severe weather risk decreases overnight on Monday into Tuesday, with temperatures expected to rise into the middle 80s by Wednesday and dropping into the 70s by the end of the week.