新英格兰北部部分地区夜间可能会下雪。 Snow possible for parts of northern New England overnight.
冬季风暴警告:随着来自五大湖的暖锋逼近,新英格兰将出现雨雪混合阵雨,马萨诸塞州和新罕布什尔州的部分地区周五可能积雪高达 3 英寸。 Winter storm warning: New England to see mixed showers of rain and snow, with a possibility of up to 3 inches of snow accumulation in some areas of Massachusetts and New Hampshire on Friday, following the approach of a warm front from the Great Lakes. 降水将从周四晚上开始,一直持续到周五早上,周五大部分时间雪会变成雨。 The precipitation will begin Thursday evening and continue through Friday morning, with the snow turning to rain throughout much of the day on Friday. 周五早上通勤期间,新英格兰部分地区的道路可能会湿滑。 Roads may be slick in parts of New England during the morning commute on Friday.