新英格兰的降雪造成学校拖延和关闭,跨越多个州。 Snowfall in New England causes school delays and closures across multiple states.
导致马萨诸塞州、新罕布什尔州、康涅狄格州、纽约州和新泽西州的学校延误和关闭。 Snowfall across New England on February 3 led to school delays and closures in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey. 这些地区的学校调整了开学时间,以确保在滑坡道路条件下的安全。 Schools in these areas adjusted start times to ensure safety amid slick road conditions. 国家气象局发布了咨询意见,预计这一周的气候状况将保持寒冷。 The National Weather Service issued advisories, and conditions are expected to remain cold through the week. 关于学校状况的最新信息,建议家长检查当地名单。 For the latest updates on school statuses, parents are advised to check local listings.