德国在萨克森的反移民情绪使技术工人望而却步,造成技术制造业企业领导人的不安。 Germany's anti-immigrant sentiment in Saxony deters skilled workers, causing unease among business leaders in the tech manufacturing sector.
德国的反移民情绪,特别是萨克森州的反移民情绪,引起了德国商界的关注。 Anti-immigrant sentiment in Germany, especially in the state of Saxony, raises concerns within the country's business community. 据报告,极右党派的影响日益增强,正在遏制高技能移民工人,造成商业领袖们的不安,他们依赖多样化的劳动力来兴旺的技术制造业部门。 The growing influence of the far-right party is reportedly deterring highly skilled immigrant workers, causing unease among business leaders who rely on diverse workforces for the thriving tech manufacturing sector. 这可能对该区域的经济和增长产生不利影响。 This could negatively impact the region's economy and growth.