德国议会批准了更严格的庇护政策,这反映出欧洲越来越倾向于实行更严格的移民管制。 Germany's parliament approved stricter asylum policies, reflecting a growing trend in Europe towards tougher immigration controls.
2024年10月18日, 德国议会批准更严格的庇护政策, On October 18, 2024, Germany's parliament approved stricter asylum policies, reflecting a growing trend in Europe towards tougher immigration controls. 这些新措施包括:从已在其他欧盟国家登记的寻求庇护者那里收回福利,在案件评估期间拘留个人,以及取消对返回本国或犯有仇恨罪的难民的保护。 The new measures include withdrawing benefits from asylum seekers already registered in other EU countries, detaining individuals during case evaluations, and revoking protections for refugees who return to their home countries or commit hate crimes. 这项立法回应了极右压力和最近的暴力事件。 This legislation responds to far-right pressures and recent violent incidents.