CFPB起诉Experian进行“假调查”, 损害消费者获得信贷的机会。 CFPB sues Experian for conducting "sham investigations" that harm consumers' credit access.
消费者金融保护局(CFPB)起诉一家主要的信用报告公司Experian, 指控该公司对信用报告错误的消费者争议进行“虚假调查”。 The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has sued Experian, a major credit reporting company, alleging it conducts "sham investigations" into consumer disputes about errors in credit reports. CFPB声称,这些做法违反了《公平信用报告法》,损害了消费者获得信贷、就业和住房的机会。 The CFPB claims these practices violate the Fair Credit Reporting Act and harm consumers' access to credit, employment, and housing. 诉讼旨在制止Experian人的不当行为,并确保罚款。 The lawsuit seeks to stop Experian's misconduct and secure financial penalties.