美国最高法院支持消费者金融保护局根据拨款条款制定的资金机制。 US Supreme Court upholds CFPB's funding mechanism under the Appropriations Clause.
美国最高法院以 7 比 2 的表决结果裁定,消费者金融保护局(CFPB)的融资机制根据拨款条款符合宪法。 The US Supreme Court ruled in a 7-2 decision that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) funding mechanism is constitutional under the Appropriations Clause. 法院裁定,为该局提供资金的法规符合拨款法的要求。 The Court determined that the statute providing the Bureau's funding meets the requirements for an appropriation law. 这一决定维护了消费者金融保护局的融资模式,该模式一直面临保守派团体的法律挑战。 This decision upholds the CFPB's funding model, which has faced legal challenges from conservative groups.