22 300名塞内加尔移民抵达加那利群岛,促使西班牙总理佩德罗·桑切斯访问毛里塔尼亚、塞内加尔和冈比亚,以解决非正常移民不断增加的问题。 22,300 Senegalese migrants arrive in Canary Islands, prompting Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez to visit Mauritania, Senegal, and Gambia to address rising irregular migration.
数千名年轻的塞内加尔人冒着生命危险,试图通过危险的大西洋路线前往西班牙,以寻求更好的就业机会。 Thousands of young Senegalese risk their lives attempting the dangerous Atlantic route to Spain in pursuit of better job opportunities. 尽管今年加那利群岛的移民抵达人数增加了126%,达到22 300人,但由于塞内加尔缺乏就业机会和过度捕捞,这条路线仍然很受欢迎,许多原因都归咎于与欧洲联盟和中国签订的允许外国工业拖网渔船在塞内加尔水域捕鱼的协定。 Despite a 126% increase in migrant arrivals on the Canary Islands this year, reaching 22,300 people, the route remains popular due to a lack of job opportunities and overfishing in Senegal, which many blame on agreements with the European Union and China that allow foreign industrial trawlers to fish in Senegalese waters. 西班牙总理佩德罗·桑切斯准备访问毛里塔尼亚、塞内加尔和冈比亚,以解决非正常移徙问题,因为这些西非国家是乘船移民的发射台。 Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is set to visit Mauritania, Senegal, and Gambia to address the issue of irregular migration, as these West African nations serve as launching pads for migrants traveling by boat.