研究者刘华章呼吁增加人工培育的濒危鱼类的释放量,改善长江沿岸的恢复。 Researcher Liu Huanzhang calls for increased release of artificially bred endangered fish and improved shoreline restoration in the Yangtze River.
中国科学院研究员刘焕章敦促更大规模地放生长江中濒危物种的人工繁殖鱼类,同时改善海岸线恢复,以加强亚洲最长水道的水生生态系统。 Researcher Liu Huanzhang from the Chinese Academy of Sciences urges greater scale in the release of artificially bred fish of endangered species in the Yangtze River, along with improved shoreline restoration to enhance Asia's longest watercourse's aquatic ecosystem. 他赞扬了 2020 年从长江流域开始的 10 年禁渔期,这是重要的一步,但也强调需要做出更多努力,包括放生人工饲养的鱼类以支持中华鲟等物种,以及实施蜿蜒的河岸设计等海岸线恢复措施,为小鱼创造有利的环境。 He praises the 10-year fishing moratorium that began in the Yangtze River Basin in 2020 as a significant step but highlights the need for more efforts, including releasing artificially bred fish to support species like the Chinese sturgeon and implementing shoreline restoration measures like meandering riverbank designs to create favorable environments for small fish.