中国提出新的渔业法,以促进可持续水产养殖和海洋养护。 China proposes new fisheries law to boost sustainable aquaculture and marine conservation.
中国已向最高立法机构提交了经修订的渔业法,旨在平衡水产养殖和渔业增长与海洋养护。 China has submitted a revised fisheries law to its top legislature, aiming to balance aquaculture and fishing industry growth with marine conservation. 草案强调生态友好的水产养殖做法、更严格的鱼类饲料和药品安全措施以及更严格的捕捞管制。 The draft emphasizes eco-friendly aquaculture practices, stricter safety measures for fish feed and medications, and tighter fishing controls. 它还提议建立一个国家水产资源库和一份受保护物种清单,以加强对水产资源贸易的监督。 It also proposes a national aquatic resource bank and a list of protected species to enhance oversight of aquatic resource trade.