保护小组启动了新阶段,以保护波阳湖的生态系统,加强中国的气候复原力。 Conservation groups launch new phase to protect Poyang Lake's ecosystem and enhance climate resilience in China.
国际养护组织和萨泰里组织在中国启动了波阳湖生态系统恢复倡议的第三阶段,旨在应对气候变化和保护湖生态系统。 Conservation International and Sateri have launched the third phase of the Poyang Lake Ecosystem Restoration Initiative in China, aimed at addressing climate change and protecting the lake's ecosystem. 波阳湖对于4 500多万人和濒危物种家园至关重要,自2019年以来,在保护区管理和野生动物生境改善方面取得了成功。 Poyang Lake, crucial for over 45 million people and home to endangered species, has seen successes in protected area management and wildlife habitat improvement since 2019. 新阶段的重点是研究淡水健康指数、保护湿地和提高气候复原力,与联合国可持续发展目标保持一致。 The new phase focuses on researching the Freshwater Health Index, protecting wetlands, and enhancing climate resilience, aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goals.