中国科学家发起保护项目 拯救濒临灭绝的巴哈巴鱼 Chinese scientists launch conservation project to save the critically endangered bahaba fish.
中国科学家已启动中国严重濒危的巴哈巴鱼保护项目,过去50年来,中国人口大幅下降。 Chinese scientists have launched a conservation project for the critically endangered Chinese bahaba fish, with significant population declines over the past 50 years. 该倡议包括开发先进的检测装置、监测系统和育种技术。 The initiative includes developing advanced detection devices, monitoring systems, and breeding techniques. 该项目与Xiamen大学和其他组织合作,旨在恢复Bahaba和其他濒危水生物种的野生种群。 Collaborating with Xiamen University and other organizations, the project aims to recover wild populations of the bahaba and other endangered aquatic species.