以色列内阁批准在2024年为冲突流离失所的公民增加923万美元的预算。 Israel's cabinet approves $923m budget increase for conflict-displaced citizens in 2024.
以色列内阁批准为2024年增加923万美元的预算,用于援助流离失所的公民,特别是受真主党火箭袭击和以色列-哈马斯战争影响的公民。 Israel's cabinet approved a $923m budget increase for 2024 to aid displaced citizens, particularly those impacted by rocket attacks by Hezbollah and the Israel-Hamas war. 这些资金将支助那些从北部和加沙边境社区冲突地区流离失所的人。 The funds will support those displaced from conflict zones in the north and Gaza border communities. 预计额外支出不会增加预算赤字,预算赤字的目标是达到该国国内生产总值的6.6%。 The additional spending is expected to not add to the budget deficit, which is targeted to reach 6.6% of the country's GDP.