拜登政府计划向以色列额外提供价值10亿美元的武器弹药。 The Biden administration plans to provide an additional $1 billion in weapons and ammunition to Israel.
据国会助理透露,拜登政府计划向以色列额外提供价值 10 亿美元的武器和弹药。 The Biden administration is planning to provide an additional $1 billion in weapons and ammunition to Israel, according to congressional aides. 这一决定是在该地区紧张局势升级的背景下做出的,凸显了美国和以色列之间加强的安全联盟。 This decision comes amidst escalating tensions in the region, highlighting the strengthened security alliance between the U.S. and Israel. 额外资金旨在增强以色列的国防能力并确保其在面临潜在威胁时的安全。 The additional funding is intended to bolster Israel's defense capabilities and ensure their security in the face of potential threats.