英国家庭通过SMI(严重精神障碍)折扣获得20,000英镑的理事会退税。 UK family receives £20,000 council tax refund through SMI (Severe Mental Impairment) discount.
英国一家家庭在发现鲜为人知的SMI(严重精神缺陷)折扣后,获得了20 000英镑的理事会退税,该折扣为患有严重精神障碍的成员的家庭提供了25%的理事会税单减免。 A UK family received a £20,000 council tax refund after discovering the little-known SMI (Severe Mental Impairment) discount, which offers a 25% reduction on council tax bills for households with a member deemed severely mentally impaired. 阿尔茨海默氏症、帕金森氏症和痴呆症等病症可导致获得SMI资格,个人必须有权获得具体福利。 Conditions such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and dementia can lead to SMI eligibility, and the individual must be entitled to specific benefits. Martin Lewis'MoneySaveingExpert(MSE)网站强调了这一小费,估计数千人不知道SMI折扣。 Martin Lewis' MoneySavingExpert (MSE) website highlighted the tip, estimating that thousands are unaware of the SMI discount.