残疾人JPMorgan VP面临失去SSI福利的问题,威胁到医疗覆盖面和职业稳定。 Disabled JPMorgan VP faces losing SSI benefits, threatening medical coverage and career stability.
Haly是一名残疾软件工程师和JP摩根大通的副总裁,面临失去其补充安全收入福利的问题,这威胁到她的医疗保险和职业稳定。 Haly, a disabled software engineer and vice president at JPMorgan Chase, faces losing her Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, which threaten her medical coverage and career stability. 在依靠SSI工作将近19年之后,社会保障管理局通知她,她不再符合资格。 After nearly 19 years of relying on SSI, she was informed by the Social Security Administration that she is no longer eligible. 没有这些福利,她担心需要全时护理和失去获得基本医疗服务的机会,并着重指出需要改革的SISI方案的过时性质。 Without these benefits, she fears needing full-time care and losing access to essential medical services, highlighting the outdated nature of the SSI program, which needs reform.