达文波特警察报告说,在Skybridge附近发生了一起致命枪击事件,导致道路关闭和持续调查。 Davenport police reported a fatal shooting near the Skybridge, resulting in a road closure and ongoing investigation.
标题: Davenport Skybridge附近致命枪击事件摘要: Davenport警察报告星期六清晨在Skybridge附近发生致命枪击事件。 Title: Fatal Shooting Near Davenport Skybridge Summary: Davenport police reported a fatal shooting near the Skybridge early Saturday morning. 发现一名男子有枪伤,后来在附近的停车场死亡。 A man was found with gunshot wounds and later died in the adjacent parking lot. Harrison街和Brady街之间的河道被关闭调查 River Drive between Harrison Street and Brady Street was closed for investigation. 警方正在向公众索取任何信息,可以通过 QC Crime Stoppers 匿名提交线索。 The police are asking for any information from the public, and tips can be submitted anonymously through QC Crime Stoppers. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.