在滑铁卢发生枪击事件造成两人受伤;调查当局和寻求公众帮助。 Shooting in Waterloo injures two; authorities investigating and seek public help.
星期日下午2时30分左右,在滑铁卢发生了枪击事件,两人受伤。 A shooting occurred in Waterloo on Sunday afternoon around 2:30 p.m., injuring two individuals. 在Lafayette街219号发现一名受害者,另一名受害者被一辆私人车送往医院。 One victim was found at 219 Lafayette St., and another was taken to a hospital by a private vehicle. 当局正在调查这一事件,并敦促公众向滑铁卢警察局的侦探处或雪松谷犯罪阻截者提供任何信息。 Authorities are investigating the incident and urge the public to provide any information to the Waterloo Police Detective Division or Cedar Valley Crime Stoppers.