17 岁的少年在格威内特县糖山 (Sugar Hill) 威胁要自残后被警察开枪打死。 17-year-old shot and killed by police in Sugar Hill, Gwinnett County, after threatening self-harm.
17岁男孩在Gwinnett县Sugar Hill参与一名军官枪击案,当时他打911,声称有一把刀和枪,并威胁要自残。 17-year-old boy involved in an officer-involved shooting in Sugar Hill, Gwinnett County, after calling 911 claiming to have a knife and gun, and threatening self-harm. 警察和一名临床医生试图与青少年谈判,但他对警察提出指控,导致他们开枪,杀害了青少年。 Police and a clinician attempted to negotiate with the teen, but he charged at officers, resulting in their firing their weapons, killing the teenager. 格鲁吉亚调查局正在调查这一事件。 The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is investigating the incident.