一名男子在北富尔顿县酒吧用枪指着他人后被警察开枪射杀,伤势危急; GBI正在调查。 Man shot by police in critical condition at north Fulton County bar after pointing gun at others; GBI investigating.
警方在罗斯韦尔富尔顿县北部的一家酒吧开枪射击了一名情况危急的男子,此前多次拨打 911 电话报告称一名武装顾客用枪指着其他人。 Police shot a man in critical condition at a north Fulton County bar in Roswell, after multiple 911 calls reported an armed patron pointing a gun at others. 警察赶到后,命令嫌疑人放下武器,但据称他继续用武器指着他们。 Officers arrived, ordered the suspect to drop the weapon, but he allegedly continued pointing it at them. 随后,一名警官开枪射杀了嫌疑人,并在嫌疑人被送往医院之前提供了医疗救助。 The suspect was then shot by one officer, who provided medical aid before the suspect was taken to the hospital. 佐治亚州调查局已被要求调查这一事件。 The Georgia Bureau of Investigation has been called to investigate the incident.