格鲁吉亚军官在家庭纠纷电话中被致命枪杀,嫌疑人也因自杀死亡。 Georgia officer fatally shot during domestic dispute call, suspect also dies by suicide.
一名格鲁吉亚执法人员在家庭纠纷电话中被致命枪杀,嫌疑人也参与了骚乱,向应诉副手开枪。 A Georgia law enforcement officer was fatally shot during a domestic dispute call, with the suspect, also involved in the disturbance, firing at the responding deputy. 枪战之后 嫌犯自杀了 After the shootout, the suspect took his own life. 这一事件突显了警官在执行公务时所面临的危险,要求提供支助和资源,以处理这种微妙的局势。 The incident underscores the dangers faced by police officers in their line of duty, calling for support and resource provision for handling such delicate situations.