North Charleston警官参与的枪击导致嫌疑人死亡;调查正在进行。 North Charleston officer-involved shooting results in suspect's death; investigation ongoing.
周五下午,在切罗基街附近,北查尔斯顿发生了一起军官参与的枪击事件,造成一名男性嫌疑人死亡。 An officer-involved shooting occurred in North Charleston on Friday afternoon near Cherokee Street, resulting in the death of a male suspect. 一名值班官员接到客户的警报,称一名男子据称展示了枪。 An off-duty officer was alerted by patrons about a man allegedly displaying a gun. 警员在请求支援后,与嫌疑人对质,导致枪击。 After calling for backup, officers confronted the suspect, leading to the shooting. 南卡罗来纳州执法司正在调查此案,嫌疑人的身份尚未公布。 The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division is investigating the case, and the suspect's identity has not been released.