Amonia事件导致布赖顿的建筑物疏散、逮捕和住院。 Ammonia incident leads to building evacuation, arrests, and hospitalization in Brighton.
在布赖顿大游行上发生了一起涉及氨的化学事件,导致一栋建筑物撤离,3人被捕。 A chemical incident involving ammonia on Grand Parade, Brighton led to the evacuation of a building and the arrest of three individuals. 星期五23:00时,急救服务人员前往现场,疑犯被送往医院。 Emergency services attended the scene at 23:00 BST on Friday, and the suspects were taken to the hospital. 警方证实公众没有更大的风险 道路已经重新开放 Police confirmed there's no wider risk to the public, and the roads have since reopened.