五台消防设备和一个危险品小组对惠灵顿维多利亚大学实验室的奇怪气味、撞击声和化学品泄漏作出反应,导致疏散、暂时关闭和附近的十字路口关闭。 Five fire appliances and a HAZMAT unit responded to Victoria University in Wellington for strange smells, banging noises, and a chemical leak in a lab, leading to evacuation, temporary closure, and nearby intersection closure.
由于科学实验室内出现奇怪的气味和撞击声,包括五台消防设备和一个危险品单位在内的紧急服务人员被呼叫到惠灵顿维多利亚大学。 Emergency services, including five fire appliances and a HAZMAT unit, were called to Victoria University in Wellington due to strange smells and banging noises in a science lab. 化学泄漏导致数人疏散,实验室暂时关闭以进行调查。 A chemical leak led to the evacuation of several people and the temporary closure of the lab for investigation. 校园的其余部分仍然开放,没有人员受伤的报道。 The rest of the campus remains open, and no injuries have been reported. 惠灵顿市议会关闭了附近的一个十字路口并建议替代路线。 Wellington City Council closed a nearby intersection and advised alternative routes.