曼彻斯特特拉福德公园的一个工业场地发生三氯氧磷化学品泄漏,导致重大事件宣布和紧急服务响应。 A chemical leak of phosphorus oxychloride at an industrial site in Trafford Park, Manchester, led to a major incident declaration and emergency services response.
曼彻斯特特拉福德公园的紧急服务部门对特纳克斯路一处工业场地发生的化学品泄漏事件做出了反应,并宣布发生重大事故。 Emergency services in Trafford Park, Manchester, responded to a chemical leak at an industrial site on Tenax Road, leading to a major incident declaration. 西北救护车服务中心和大曼彻斯特消防救援服务中心向现场派遣了多种资源,建立了大型警戒线并封闭了道路。 The North West Ambulance Service and Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service sent multiple resources to the scene, creating a large cordon and closing off roads. 建议居民关闭门窗,据信所涉及的化学物质是三氯氧磷。 Residents were advised to keep windows and doors closed, and the chemical believed to be involved is phosphorus oxychloride. 尽管发生了这一事件,接受评估的人不需要进一步治疗。 Despite the incident, no further treatment is required for those assessed.