18 %的伊利诺伊州学校的经测试的学生在2022年的阅读和数学成绩低。 18% of Illinois schools with tested students had a low performance rate in reading and math in 2022.
2022年,18%有经测试学生的伊利诺伊州学校在阅读和数学方面只有十分之一或不到1个达到年级。 In 2022, 18% of Illinois schools with tested students had only 1 in 10 or less meeting grade level in reading and math. 尽管有这些发现,但一些表现不佳的学校被伊利诺伊州教育委员会评为"值得称赞". Despite these findings, some underperforming schools were rated as "commendable" by the Illinois State Board of Education. 芝加哥市以奥巴马的纽带而闻名, 引起人们对民主国民大会主题“希望”的质疑。 The city of Chicago, known for the Obamas' ties, raises questions about the Democratic National Convention theme of "hope". 民主党对学校选择的立场仍然不明确。 The Democratic Party's stance on school choice remains unclear.