2023. 威斯康星州公立学校学生的英语熟练程度为48%,数学为49.4%,而私立学校选修学生的熟练程度较低,分别为30.9%和28.3%。 2023 Wisconsin public school students show 48% English proficiency and 49.4% in math, while private school choice students have lower proficiency at 30.9% and 28.3%.
威斯康星州2023-24年的测试结果表明,48%的公立学校学生精通英语艺术和49.4%的数学,而私立学校选修学生的熟练程度较低,分别为30.9%和28.3%。 Wisconsin's 2023-24 testing results reveal that 48% of public school students are proficient in English language arts and 49.4% in mathematics, while private school choice students show lower proficiency at 30.9% and 28.3%, respectively. 公立学校的入学率为95.4%,私立学校为79.7%。 Participation rates were 95.4% for public schools and 79.7% for private schools. 对这些测试进行了修订,以提高清晰度和可比性,但评分标准的变化妨碍了逐年直接比较。 The tests were revised for clarity and comparability, but changes in scoring criteria hinder direct year-over-year comparisons.