92岁的Frank Stronach 面临性攻击指控的预审,否认所有指控。 Frank Stronach, 92, faces a preliminary hearing for sexual assault charges, denying all allegations.
Frank Stronach,92岁,亿万富翁商人,国际大宪章创始人,4月11日在多伦多因18项性攻击指控中的两项指控而面临初步审讯。 Frank Stronach, 92, a billionaire businessman and founder of Magna International, faces a preliminary hearing on April 11 in Toronto for two of the 18 sexual assault charges against him. 听讯将决定这些指控是否进入审判阶段。 The hearing will decide if these charges proceed to trial. Stronach否认所有指控,也因1977年至1990年期间涉及13名申诉人的事件在约克地区面临单独指控。 Stronach, who denies all allegations, is also facing separate charges in York Region for incidents between 1977 and 1990 involving 13 complainants.