91岁的亿万富翁Frank Stronach否认13项性犯罪指控,雇用了一名新律师为转移审判进行辩护。 91-year-old billionaire Frank Stronach denies 13 sex crime charges, hiring a new lawyer to argue for relocation of trial.
汽车零部件巨头Magna的创始人91岁的亿万富翁弗兰克斯特罗纳赫否认了13项性犯罪指控, 91-year-old billionaire Frank Stronach, founder of auto parts giant Magna, has denied 13 sex crime charges, claiming the accusations are lies. Stronach被控对10名妇女进行性攻击,包括强奸、殴打和强迫监禁。 Stronach is accused of sexually assaulting 10 women, with charges including rape, assault, and forcible confinement. 指控可追溯到1977年,Stronach雇用了一名新律师Leora Shemesh,他提出指控不应在Peel地区听取,而应在据称事件发生的社区听取。 Allegations date back to 1977, and Stronach has hired a new lawyer, Leora Shemesh, who suggests the charges should not be heard in the Peel region but in the communities where the incidents allegedly occurred. Stronach的案子定于10月7日交回法庭 Stronach's case is set to return to court on October 7th.