Frank Stronach,92岁的亿万富翁,选择在多伦多的性攻击案中进行初步调查和陪审团审判。 Frank Stronach, a 92-year-old billionaire, opts for a preliminary inquiry and jury trial in his Toronto sexual assault case.
Frank Stronach,92岁的亿万富翁,汽车零件创始人,巨型Magna,选择在多伦多对其性侵犯案件进行初步调查和陪审团审判。 Frank Stronach, a 92-year-old billionaire and founder of auto parts giant Magna, has chosen to pursue a preliminary inquiry and jury trial for his sexual assault case in Toronto. Stronach面临13名投诉人的指控,并否认所有指控。 Stronach faces charges from 13 complainants and denies all allegations. 该案分为两个诉讼程序,一个在多伦多,一个在约克地区。 The case is split into two proceedings, one in Toronto and one in York Region. 听证会将确定哪些指控有资格进行初步调查,并确定审判日期。 A hearing will determine which charges are eligible for a preliminary inquiry and set a trial date.