55个全球政府限制政治反对派的行动自由, 55 governments globally restrict political opponents' freedom of movement, with the Middle East leading in citizenship revocation.
据自由之家称,全世界55国政府限制政治反对派的行动自由。 55 governments worldwide restrict freedom of movement for political opponents, according to Freedom House. 政府使用诸如旅行禁令、取消公民身份、控制证件和拒绝领事服务等战术。 Governments use tactics such as travel bans, revoking citizenship, controlling documents, and denying consular services. 在中东,取消国籍的情况最多,影响到数百名持不同政见者、活动分子和记者。 The Middle East has seen the most instances of revoking citizenship, affecting hundreds of dissidents, activists, and journalists. 自由之家呼吁民主政府对参与流动管制的行为者实施制裁,并通过提供替代旅行证件帮助持不同政见者。 Freedom House calls on democratic governments to impose sanctions on actors that engage in mobility controls and help dissidents by providing alternative travel documents.