泰国加入了公民社会监测员的监视名单,因为公民自由下降,政治压迫加剧。 Thailand added to CIVICUS Monitor's Watchlist for declining civic freedoms and increased political repression.
泰国因公民自由下降而被列入 CIVICUS Monitor 的观察名单,尤其是在反对党前进党解散和政治压迫加剧之后。 Thailand has been added to the CIVICUS Monitor's Watchlist for declining civic freedoms, notably following the dissolution of the opposition Move Forward Party and increased political repression. 自2020年以来,政府采用了严格的《君主法》,对批评君主制的272人提起公诉。 The government employs strict lèse-majesté laws, prosecuting over 272 individuals since 2020 for criticizing the monarchy. 人权团体对这些做法表示关切,并敦促泰国政府遵守其国际人权承诺。 Human rights groups express concern over these practices and urge the Thai government to adhere to its international human rights commitments.