29岁的Keithannn Starks因在密西西比州Ridgeland对峙期间对军官进行严重攻击而被判处40年徒刑。 29-year-old Keithannin Starks sentenced to 40 years for aggravated assault on officers during a standoff in Ridgeland, Mississippi.
29岁的Keithannn Cortez Starks在5月4日密西西比州Ridgeland Ridgeland公寓发生家庭骚乱时,对执法人员犯下两起严重攻击罪,认罪后被判处40年徒刑。 29-year-old Keithannin Cortez Starks was sentenced to 40 years in prison after pleading guilty to two counts of aggravated assault on law enforcement officers during a May 4 domestic disturbance call at Ridgeland Place Apartments in Ridgeland, Mississippi. 史塔克多次向军官开枪,导致僵持和最终投降。 Starks fired multiple shots at officers, leading to a standoff and his eventual surrender. 该案向麦迪逊州和兰金州考虑对执法部门实施暴力的人传达了信息。 The case serves as a message to those considering violence against law enforcement in Madison and Rankin Counties.