Joshua Atwood因在2021年美国国会暴动期间袭击警察被判处四年有期徒刑。 Joshua Atwood sentenced to four years for attacking police during the 2021 U.S. Capitol riot.
Joshua Atwood来自宾夕法尼亚州Burgettstown, 因在2021年1月6日美国国会攻击期间用胡椒喷雾和物品攻击警官, Joshua Atwood, from Burgettstown, Pennsylvania, was sentenced to four years in prison for attacking police officers with pepper spray and objects during the January 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol assault. Atwood对一项重罪指控认罪,并将在监督下释放三年。 Atwood pleaded guilty to a felony charge and will also serve three years of supervised release. 他的律师希望获得当选总统特朗普的赦免,他承诺释放参与暴乱者。 His lawyer hopes for a pardon from President-elect Trump, who promised to free those involved in the riots. Atwood在西弗吉尼亚州因被控袭击和抢劫而面临额外指控。 Atwood faces additional charges in West Virginia for an alleged assault and robbery.