密西西比州六名前警官因袭击两名黑人近两个小时而被判刑。 First of six former Mississippi officers sentenced over assault of two black men for nearly two hours.
折磨两名黑人的密西西比“打手小队”主要成员被判处 17.5 年监禁;另外四人等待宣判。 Leading member of Mississippi "Goon Squad" that tortured two Black men receives 17.5-year prison sentence; four others await sentencing. 这名前密西西比州执法官员是“Goon Squad”组织的成员,因袭击两名黑人,包括向其中一名黑人开枪,被美国民权指控判处 20 年监禁。 The former Mississippi law enforcement officer, who was part of a group known as the "Goon Squad", has been sentenced to 20 years in prison on US civil rights charges for assaulting two black men, including shooting one in the mouth. 亨特·埃尔沃德去年认罪,他是在美国密西西比州地方法院被判刑的六名白人前执法人员中的第一人。 Hunter Elward, who pleaded guilty last year, is the first of six white former law enforcement officers involved to be sentenced in a US district court in Mississippi. 这些人被指控犯有多项联邦罪行,包括剥夺权利和妨碍司法公正。 The men are charged with several federal crimes including deprivation of rights and obstruction of justice. 2023 年 1 月,埃尔沃德和他的同事在没有搜查令的情况下前往密西西比州布拉克斯顿的一户人家,拘留了这些黑人,并对他们进行了身体和性侵犯,同时尖叫着种族歧视言论近两个小时。 Elward and his colleagues went to a home in Braxton, Mississippi, without a search warrant in January 2023, detained the black men, and physically and sexually assaulted them while screaming racial slurs for nearly two hours. 这些人被一名白人邻居指控“行为可疑”。 The men had been accused of "suspicious behavior" by a white neighbor.