密西西比州的两名前军官因虐待两名黑人而被判处数年徒刑。 2 ex-officers in Mississippi receive years-long sentences for torturing two Black men.
密西西比州的两名前警官因酷刑两名黑人而被判处数年徒刑,而认罪的六名前警官的量刑阶段已经开始。 2 ex-officers in Mississippi receive years-long sentences for torturing two Black men, as the sentencing phase begins for the six former officers who pleaded guilty to the crime. 两名警官于周二被判刑,其余四名警官将于本周被判刑。 Two officers were sentenced on Tuesday, with the remaining four to be sentenced this week. 此案凸显了持续存在的警察暴力问题以及追究执法人员责任的重要性。 This case highlights the ongoing issue of police brutality and the importance of holding law enforcement officers accountable.